STAFF PICK$type=sticky$count=4$cate=1$icon=1
New Years Day (Jan 1) Celebrating the start of a new calendar year.$type=two$count=2$h=200
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Honoring the legacy of the civil rights leader.$type=two$count=2$h=200
Presidents Day - To honor George Washington, Celebrating all US president.$type=two$count=2$h=200
Juneteenth National Independence Day. $type=two$count=2$h=200
Memorial Day - Remembering those who died in military service. $type=two$count=2$h=200
Independence Day (July 4) Marking the adoption of Declaration of Independence.$type=two$count=2$=200
Labor Day (1st Mon Sept) Recognizing the contributions of American workers. $type=two$count=2$h=200
Columbus Day – Reflecting legacy of exploration and indigenous culture.$type=two$count=2$h=200
Veterans Day (Nov 11) – Honoring all who served in the U.S. Armed Forces.$type=two$count=2$h=200
Thanksgiving Day - A time for gratitude and gathering with loved ones.$type=two$count=2$h=200
Christmas Day (Dec 25) Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.$type=two$count=2$h=200
/fa-clock-o/ WEEK TRENDING$type=list
Presidents’ Day, observed annually on the third Monday of February, often marks a welcome long weekend for many Americans. But behind the sa...
Inauguration Day has historically been a time of immense significance in the United States, marking the beginning of a new administration an...
Indigenous Peoples' Day is a holiday that celebrates and honors the history, cultures, and co...
H oliday is a special day set aside for celebration, rest, or observance, where regular work and routine activities are typically reduced o...
Day: Honoring a Legacy of Equality and Justice Martin Luther King Jr. Day , observed annually on the third Monday in January, is a federal h...
Juneteenth National Independence Day: A Celebration of Freedom and Resilience Juneteenth, also known as Juneteenth National Independence D...
Columbus Day in 2023 was observed on Monday, October 9th . The day was marked by a mix of celebrations, protests, and alternative obs...
A forum is an online platform where people can discuss various topics, ask questions, share information, and participate in conversations re...